
The children of women with untreated worm infections while pregnant had fewer cases of eczema, lending further credence to the \”hygiene hypothesis\” that says some immune challenges may have long-term benefits. Cynthia Graber comments

怀孕期间患有蠕虫感染疾病,并未得到治疗的母亲所生的婴儿,很少会得湿疹。这增加了“一些对免疫系统的考验也许会让人长期受益”这个“卫生学假说”的可信度。 Can we be too clean? According to what’s called the hygiene hypothesis, yes. Without being challenged as kids, our immune systems don’t flourish. Scientists think it could be part of the rise of allergies and asthma.

我们真的太干净了吗?根据所谓的卫生学假说,是的。如果不在小孩的时候就经受考验,我们的免疫系统是不会强大起来的。科学家们认为,这可能是过敏类和哮喘类疾病发病率上升的原因之一。 Now a new study supports the hygiene hypothesis: infants in Uganda had a lower chance of developing the skin allergy condition eczema if their moms had helminth worm infections while pregnant. The research is in the journal Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

现在,一个新的研究支持了这个卫生学假说:乌干达的婴儿很少有机会患上湿疹这种皮肤过敏症,前提是他们母亲在怀孕期间肚子里面有蛔虫。这个研究发表在儿科过敏反应和免疫学杂志上。 A 2005 study showed that the kids of women treated for worm infections had more eczema. Twenty-five hundred pregnant women took part in this follow-up research. Some got one worm-killing drug. Others took a different drug. And a third group received a placebo. One drug nearly doubled the kids’ risk of eczema. The other more than doubled the odds.

一个2005年的研究表明,治疗了蛔虫感染的妈妈们的孩子湿疹的发病率较高。2500名怀孕妇女参加了这项跟踪研究。一些人吃了一种杀虫药。另外一些人吃另外一种杀虫药。第三群人吃的则是安慰剂。吃其中一种杀虫药的妈妈所生的孩子患有湿疹的风险翻倍了。吃另外一种杀虫药的妈妈所生孩子患有湿疹的风险翻倍还要多。 Helminth worm infections can give the mothers symptoms such as mild anemia or stomach pain and vomiting. Although many people have no symptoms at all. The scientists say more research is needed before they would recommend not treating worm infections. But the work lends additional support to the idea that hygiene may be a balancing act rather than a goal.



Mothers who drink milk containing \’friendly bacteria\’ (probiotics) while pregnant and breastfeeding may reduce their child\’s risk of developing eczema, reports a new study. And if their child does develop eczema, it may be less severe.

最新研究表明,母亲在怀孕和哺乳期间喝含有\”友好细菌\”(益生菌)的牛奶可能减少她们的孩子患湿疹的危险。即使她们的孩子患湿疹,病况也相对较轻。 What do we know already?

那么我们已经知道了什么? Probiotics are tiny organisms, usually bacteria, which occur naturally in some foods (such as yoghurt) and are added to others (such as milk and soya drinks). They are also available as supplements.

益生菌是一类微生物,通常是自然生长在某些食物中的细菌(如酸奶)和其他饮料(如牛奶和豆制品饮料)。他们也做为食品的添加剂。 Probiotics are often called \’friendly bacteria\’ because they help with digestion and protect against some types of harmful bacteria. Studies also show they may help the immune system to develop and reduce the risk of allergies, which occur when the immune system overreacts to something harmless, like pollen. This has led researchers to wonder whether probiotics might be used to prevent some allergy-related conditions, such as eczema.

益生菌通常被称作“友好的细菌”是因为他们有助于消化并阻止一些有害细菌的侵入。研究显示他们还可能增加人体免疫力和减少那些因为免疫系统对花粉等某些无害生物的过激反应而产生过敏的危险。这导致研究者对是否益生菌可能被用来阻止某些环境过敏感到好奇,如湿疹。 Eczema is a skin condition that makes patches of skin become dry, red and itchy. It is very common, particularly among children. About 16 in 100 children in the UK have eczema.

湿疹是一种皮肤病,它使皮肤产生斑点、变得干燥、鲜红和瘙痒。这是一种非常常见的疾病,尤其对于儿童。在英国大约在100名儿童中就有16个患湿疹。 Some studies have found that children have a lower risk of eczema if they are given probiotics as babies. However, these studies have looked mainly at children who have a family history of eczema and are at high risk, rather than children in general. Also, few studies have explored whether giving mothers probiotics while pregnant or breastfeeding might have a beneficial effect.

一些研究发现在婴儿时期给予益生菌的儿童患湿疹的危险要小。可是,这些研究并不全面,它主要针对了那些有湿疹家族史的儿童并且这些儿童有更大可能患湿疹。另外,少数研究发现在孕期或哺乳期给予母亲益生菌可能得到有益的结果。 To help fill these gaps, Norwegian researchers have now done a study of 415 pregnant women who were planning to breastfeed their babies. Half of the women drank milk with probiotics from the 36th week of their pregnancy until their baby was 3 months old. The other half drank identical milk that contained no probiotics. The researchers then followed up the women two years later to find out whether their children had eczema.

为了填补这些空白,挪威研究人员对415位打算哺乳的已怀孕妇女进行了研究。一半的妈妈从她们怀孕的第36周到她们的宝宝3个月止喝带有益生菌的牛奶,另一半所喝的奶中则没有益生菌。两年后研究人员对这些妈妈进行跟踪调查是否她们的孩子患过湿疹。 What does the new study say?

我们看看新研究结果说了些什么? Children born to women who drank the probiotic milk were half as likely to have eczema at age 2 than those whose mothers drank the regular milk. And the children in the probiotics group who did develop eczema had less severe symptoms overall. These results didn\’t change when the researchers factored in other things that might have affected the children\’s risk of having eczema and other allergies, such as whether their mother smoked, whether they were breastfed for only a short time, and whether they started eating food before age 6 months.

那些喝了带有益生菌牛奶的妇女的孩子在两岁前患有湿疹是喝平常牛奶的一半。并且益生菌组的所患有湿疹的症状总体上要比非益生菌组轻。当研究人员把其他可能影响儿童患湿疹和其他过敏因素考虑进去后,如母亲是否吸烟,是否他们仅仅短时间接受哺乳还有是否他们在6个月前开始给予食物等,这个结果并未改变。 Interestingly, the children most likely to benefit from probiotics were those with no family history of eczema or related allergies. This suggests, say the researchers, that widespread use of probiotics by pregnant and breastfeeding women might be worthwhile for curbing rates of childhood eczema.

有趣的是,从益生菌中得益的儿童好像更多地是那些没有湿疹家族史或相关过敏症的家庭。这建议,研究人员说,在孕期和哺乳期的妇女广泛使用益生菌来抑制儿童患湿疹的几率是值得的。 How reliable are the findings?

这个发现有多少可信度? These findings should be quite reliable as the study was a randomised, double-blind controlled trial. This is the best type of study for finding out whether a treatment works.

因为这个研究是随机的,双重盲目控制的实验,所以这些发现应该是非常可靠的。这是最好的研究方法来验证治疗方式是否有效。 However, one-third of the women dropped out of the study before it finished. This is slightly more than the researchers anticipated, which weakens their results, although not substantially.

可是,三分之一的妇女在研究结束前就退出了。这有点高于研究者们的期望值,这多少减弱了他们的研究结果,虽然不是很多。 Where does the study come from?

研究从何而来? The study was done by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. It was funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics AS and a research foundation called Nidarosfondet. The study appeared in the British Journal of Dermatology, which is owned by the British Association of Dermatologists.

这项研究是由挪威科技大学的研究人员完成的。它是由挪威研究委员会,西门子医疗诊断协会和一所名叫Nidarosfondet的研究基金会资助。这项研究刊登在由英国皮肤病协会主办的英国皮肤学报。 What does this mean for me?

这对我意味着什么? This study adds to a growing body of research showing that probiotics may be useful in preventing eczema in young children. You may find this interesting if you are pregnant or have recently had a baby. And the idea of taking probiotics yourself – rather than giving them to your infant – may also appeal to you.

这项研究增加到研究正在生长的身体来显示益生菌可能对幼儿时期防止湿疹很有用。你会发现这很有趣儿,如果你正怀孕或者刚刚有了一个婴儿。并且采取你自己服用益生菌的想法——而不是给你的婴儿——也许对你同样有吸引力。 However, studies have yet to reveal exactly how probiotics might help prevent eczema and which \’friendly bacteria\’ work best. This study used three probiotics that have had positive results in other research: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12.

无论怎样,研究已经正确揭示了益生菌是怎样可能帮助防止湿疹的并且哪个“友好的细菌”起到最好的作用。这项研究用了在其他研究中得到的好结果的三种益生菌:鼠李糖乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG)、嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus) La-5和动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Bb-12。 What should I do now?

我们现在应该做什么呢? If you\’re pregnant or breastfeeding and interested in taking probiotics, talk to your doctor or midwife. Although these \’friendly bacteria\’ are unlikely to cause serious side effects, it\’s best to check before making any changes to your diet when you\’re pregnant.































Like any good mother, ever since my son Eden was diagnosed with life-threatening food allergies, I\’ve been trying to find out why. The Hygiene Hypothesis is a popular theory for the increase in food allergies. In 2004, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease followed the medical records of 835 children from birth to age one, documenting any fever-related episodes. At six to seven years old more than half of the children were evaluated for their sensitivity to common allergens such as dust mites, ragweed and cats. Of the children who didn\’t experience a fever during their first year, 50 percent showed allergic sensitivity. Of those who had one fever, the percentage dropped to 46 percent. But of the children who had two or more fevers only 31 percent showed allergic sensitivity.

如同任何称职的妈妈一样,自从我的儿子艾登被诊断出患有可能危及生命的食物过敏症起,我就一直在苦苦寻找病因。很多人接受“卫生假说”(Hygiene Hypothesis)来解释食物过敏症的增加现象。(译者注:“卫生假说”在医学领域研究哮喘病潜在病因中一直占主流地位。该假说认为,儿童时代的感染及环境因素,如食物、空气的污染导致了哮喘病的过敏体质。)2004年,美国过敏症及传染性疾病研究所对835名儿童从出生开始,到1周岁期间进行了医学跟踪。对任何和发烧有关的事件都予以记录。到6至7岁时,这835名儿童中,过半的人都有各种各样的过敏症,对常见的过敏原如尘螨,豚草和猫等产生过敏。在1周岁内从未发烧过的孩子中,50%患上了过敏症。1周岁内发烧一次的孩子中,有46%的有过敏症。而那些1周岁内曾经历两次或以上发烧的孩子,患上过敏症的仅仅占31%。 So does this mean that children might have fewer allergies if society allows them to get dirtier and sicker? But how much sicker? What about the advances modern medicine has made in eradicating childhood diseases like Polio? And how much dirtier? Do we want our children exposed to more parasites? The Helminthes Hypothesis is nearly identical to the Hygiene Hypothesis but it focuses exclusively on parasites. Helminthes are the worms that live in the human intestinal tract.

这是否说明,如果孩子们生活中不太卫生的环境中,并经常得病的话,患上过敏症的机会就会降低呢?那要得几次病才算?何况现代医学技术的发展已完全能根治不少儿童疾病,如小儿麻痹。还有,怎么才算不太卫生的环境?要让我们的孩子多暴露在有寄生虫的环境中?“蠕虫假说”和“卫生假说”大同小异,只是这一假说单独强调了寄生虫的作用,它们生活在人类的肠胃内。 In the 1980\’s researchers studied Venezuelan Indians and discovered that within those who lived in the rainforest and were also heavily infected with worms only 10 percent had allergies. But among the wealthier Venezuelan Indians who lived in cities and were only lightly infected with worms, 43 percent had allergies. A \”Worm vs. Wealth\” theory is the Yang to the Yin of the Hygiene Hypothesis: Maybe we need more exposure to parasites to balance our reduced exposure to bacteria and viruses. Either way, clean water and food, antibiotics, reduced exposure to parasites, animals, viruses and infectious diseases may have caused our progressive worldwide allergies. But these ideas don\’t offer obvious solutions to parents. A few years ago, a well-known research immunologist injected himself with hookworms and reduced his allergic symptoms (shudder).

在上世纪80年代,人们曾对委内瑞拉的印第安人做过研究。发现那些生活在雨林中,并被各种蠕虫严重感染过的人群中,只有10%有过敏症。但那些富裕的,居住在城市的印第安人,也较少受到各种蠕虫感染,却有43%患有各种过敏症。“蠕虫和富裕”理论是“卫生假说”的阴阳两个方面。也许我们真该多接触点寄生虫,来平衡一下我们越来越少接触细菌和病毒的状况。各种生活方式,如清洁的食物和水,抗生素,减少和寄生虫,动物,病毒和传染病的接触,也许引起了全球范围过敏症的蔓延。也许这些理念还不足以提供父母们对孩子过敏症给出一个明确的解决之道。很多年前,一位知名的免疫学家就曾给自己注射钩虫,来减轻自己的过敏症状。(全身颤栗的症状) While there isn\’t strong evidence suggesting that an allergic child would benefit from exposure to his allergens or, say, from an occasional lick of a New York City subway pole (dramatic shudder), when people ask me why Eden has allergies and I answer, \”Well, most doctors favor the Hygiene Hypothesis,\” their next question predictably involves hand wipes. How to segue towards the less inviting explanation, \”Well, some scientists believe our world is too clean!\” Hmmm? Sure, then I could then launch into a monologue about contaminated water except my own kitchen counter is never without a full pitcher of filtered water with its reassuring \”filter-change-reminder-sticker.\”

同时,并没有有力证据证明,过敏症的孩子多接触过敏源会对缓解病症有利。当人们问起儿子艾登过敏症的原因时,我回答说:“好吧,大部分医生把过敏症的发生归咎于卫生假说。”他们接下来的提问一定和洗手有关。然后会继续解释道,“有些科学家相信,我们生活的世界太过干净了!”接着就听到我一个人滔滔不绝地谈论被污染的水。当然在我家里的厨房里,一直有一大桶的纯净水,上面贴着标签,提醒我何时跟换滤芯。 My friends are open to switching their hand soap to Burt\’s Bees All Natural, but balk at the idea of unfiltered water and unwashed hands. Some parents ask me, \”What about all those pesticides? I only buy organic! Don\’t you?\” Well, no, not always. Neither of my children\’s diet is organically stellar. But I get it. I want to control my children\’s health too. I want to benefit from medical progress while circumventing nature\’s backlash. And the hard truth is if I had let Eden play in the mud like a baby farm animal, he still may have gotten allergies. Medical theories address trends and individuals are complicated by their genetics and the particular circumstances of their lives.

我的朋友很爽快地开始改用天然肥皂洗手了,但对饮用没有过滤的水和不洗手仍心存疑虑。有些父母们问我,“那些杀虫剂可怎么办?我只购买有机食品,你呢?”我不会只买有机食品。我孩子吃的食物没有一样是纯有机食品。当然我明白,我会保证我孩子健康的。我希望从医学进步中受益,而避免和自然对抗。可铁的事实就是,即使我哪天让儿子在泥地里疯玩,他仍会得过敏症。医学理论只能提供一个大的趋势,但每个个体由于基因和生活环境不同,而变得十分复杂。 Other allergy theories abound. The increased pediatric vaccination schedule has been called out as a culprit in causing the increase in food allergies. Perhaps vaccination has led to overstimulation of the immune system? Perhaps the ingredients in vaccinations produce a delayed allergic response? Other voices speak out against our industrial and agricultural practices. Perhaps pesticides, cross breeding and genetic engineering are responsible for our children\’s \”toxic overload.\”

其他关于过敏症成因的理论还有很多。有人认为,现在名目繁多的儿童疫苗接种是引起食物过敏症的祸首。也许他们认为疫苗过度刺激了人体的免疫系统?也许疫苗中的某些成分导致了过敏反应时间延长?有些观点则抨击当今的工业和农业生产方式。也许杀虫剂,杂交育种和基因工程使得我们的孩子吸收“过多的有毒物质”。 Perhaps all those alterations to our food render it unrecognizable to our digestive tract? Every factor from cooking methods, socioeconomic status, gender, exposure to pool chlorine, fetal head size, early exposure to foods, late exposure to foods, country of birth origin has been examined in terms of its contribution to food allergies. While some of those circumstances have proven to be instrumental, none have been proven to be the sole determining factor.

也许我们的消化器官对这些面目全非的食物已无法分辨。人们对很多因素,如烹饪方法,社会经济地位,性别,是否接触过含氯的泳池,胎儿头围大小,进食时间的早晚,出生地和过敏症的关系都进行了检视。其中一些因素已证明确实对过敏症的发生有作用,但至今未找到一种单独成因。 Meanwhile I\’ve listened to many mothers assume the burden of their children\’s allergies by citing their maternal diet. Yet an expecting mother\’s diet hasn\’t been proven to cause their children\’s food allergies. We parents want to know why things happen to our children. We are ready to bear the guilt. Bring it on! You can\’t handle the guilt! I can! When Eden was born he was given antibiotics to clear excess fluid from his lungs. The NICU doctors advised us to permit it. They said it was probably best. Was that it? Did those antibiotics tip Eden\’s first domino?

同时,我也听到很多妈妈们给我罗列她们怀孕期间的饮食,想当然地认为,她们是怀孕期间的饮食引起了孩子现在的过敏症,然而至今没有证据表明,怀孕期间的饮食,和孩子食物过敏症发生有关。我们却满怀负疚感,我也有类似的感情。当儿子艾登出生时,当时观察室的医生建议我允许给他注射抗生素,来清除肺部过多的积液。医生们说这可能是最好的方案。是不是那次注射抗生素引起了他的过敏症? Ah. But then there is guilt\’s evil twin — blame. In 2008, six years after my first pediatrician insisted that Eden wasn\’t vomiting incessantly and allergically to his milk-based formula, the American Academy of Pediatrics published a report defining Eden as an infant at risk based on our family history of allergies. Under those guidelines my pediatrician would have been obligated to instruct me to use \”an extensively hydrolyzed formula\” without question. (Again, she did not.) When I think about that AAP report many times I swallow a raw and unending frustration. Was that it? Then again, Eden was vaccinated on the recommended schedule while his food allergies were emerging. Was that it?

当然除了负疚感,还有责备。2008年,在我儿子第一个儿科医生坚称,艾登并没有持续性呕吐问题,也没有配方奶过敏症后的第六年,美国儿科学会给我儿子出具了一份报告,报告认为,因为家族都有过敏历史,所以孩子在婴儿期有过敏症的风险。其实当初孩子的大夫就有义务指导我应该给他大量喂食“水解配方奶粉”,这是毫无疑问的。(但是,她还是没有。)儿科学会的报告让我反复思考很久,让我感到无尽的失望。这算怎么回事?而在他过敏症日渐严重时,还按计划接种各种疫苗。这样做对吗? Maybe allergy parents think we gave our children the wrong food or too many antibiotics. Maybe we wake up in the middle of night wondering if we should have kept them away from the cats or the peanut proteins we leaked through our breast milk. Maybe we did something bad that was supposed to be good for our children. But as the medical community looks for answers, I continue to look for ways to help my son live well — odds I can control.

也许父母们认为给他们的孩子吃错了东西或用了太多的抗生素才会这样。也许我们会半夜惊醒,想到或许应该让孩子不要接触家里的宠物猫;抑或是在母乳喂养中,母亲曾吃过花生,而后花生蛋白进入了母乳;也许我们认为做了一些不利于孩子健康的事,实际上是对孩子有利的?医疗机构也在寻求导致过敏症发生的原因,我也在不断摸索能让儿子更健康的办法,去控制各种不利因素。 Follow Susan Weissman on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/susanweissman






Proponents of the \”hygiene hypothesis\” believe that reduced exposure to bacteria, viruses and parasites have impaired the immune system\’s ability to properly respond to environmental challenges.

Researchers have identified the hygiene hypothesis as a possible cause or exacerbating factor in a number of illnesses and medical problems, said Dr. Graham A.W. Rook, a professor in the department of infection at the Centre for Clinical Microbiology at the University College London. These include:



· Severe allergic reactions.

· Gastrointestinal disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn\’s disease.

· Autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

\”The evidence for all this is very, very powerful,\” Rook said. \”It\’s very easy to show if you live on a farm or keep a dog, you\’re less likely to have these disorders. If you are the youngest child in a big family, you\’re less likely to have these disorders.\”





The hygiene hypothesis has its roots in the theory of evolution, he said.

\”The bottom line is organisms that were present in mud, untreated water and feces were with us right from the start of humanity,\” Rook explained. Proponents of the hygiene hypothesis believe that the human body adapted to these organisms and began using them as a means of training the immune system.

\”What has happened over the course of evolution is, because these bugs had to be tolerated, they came to activate the tolerance of the immune system,\” Rook said. \”They are the police force that keeps the immune system from becoming trigger-happy. Basically, the immune system is now attacking things it shouldn\’t be attacking.\”



“在进化过程中,因为人体必须承受这些微生物,以此激活人体免疫系统的承受能力,”Rook说。 “他们是警察部队,抑制免疫系统的快乐扳击。基本上,免疫系统现在反常攻击的对象,它不应该攻击。”

Dr. Mitchell H. Grayson, an associate professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, said that the hygiene hypothesis is most strongly linked to an increase in allergic diseases and asthma.

\”It\’s thought to have something to do with the way your immune system develops and is programmed,\” Grayson said. Bacteria in the environment teach an immune response to allergens that is more moderate and less severe. \”In the absence of these bacteria, the immune system is thought to become more prone to allergic disease,\” he said.


“现在认为卫生假说与我们的免疫系统的发生和完善有关,”格雷森说,环境中的细菌诱导免疫系统对过敏原产生较为温和的和不太严重的反应。 “如果没有这些细菌存在,免疫系统变得更容易出现过敏性疾病,”他说。

Rook said that other researchers have used the hygiene hypothesis to show that parasitic infections can aid in the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis and Crohn\’s disease.


Argentinean researchers, for instance, have shown that the presence of intestinal parasites can moderate the progression of multiple sclerosis. Follow-up studies indicated that, when people were treated for their parasitic infection, they had a relapse of MS.

A research team at the University of Iowa found similar results related to Crohn\’s disease, showing that intestinal parasites helped regulate the autoimmune reaction that causes the intestinal disorder.



On the flip side, such revelations carry risks. Doctors are concerned that some might use the hygiene hypothesis as an excuse to abandon good hygiene, causing a surge in diseases such as dysentery and cholera.

\”Public health and sanitation has been the single greatest improvement in our life expectancy,\” Grayson said. \”I would not recommend living less cleanly.\”

On the other hand, tolerance of a little dirt here and there won\’t hurt.


“公共卫生与健康一直是增加我们预期寿命最大的促进因素,”格雷森说。 “我不会推荐生活可以不那么干净。”


\”If your kids come back from the garden with a little mud on their hands, it\’s not a bad thing,\” Rook said. \”They don\’t necessarily have to wash their hands before picking up a sandwich.\”

“如果你的孩子从花园回来时,手上有点儿泥土,那不是一件坏事,”Rook说。 “他们并非必须洗手后才可拿三明治。”

In general, though, it\’s wise to maintain good overall hygiene, he said, and wait for the scientists to figure all this out. Larger studies are underway to determine the exact mechanism by which bacteria and parasites are causing the immune system to moderate its response, Rook said.

\”We need to figure out how to replace what is good from the microbiological environment while maintaining the advances of good hygiene so we can get the best of both worlds,\” Rook said.

















以下发现读起来仿佛出自厄普顿·辛克莱尔百年前讲述肉类加工业可怖工作条件以及漠不关心的政府的著作《屠场》(The Jungle,揭露美国芝加哥肉类加工业的黑幕,更多信息看这里——译注):

· 从牛肉中检验出的120种物质之中,只有一种是农药。

· 食品药监局并未为许多自牛肉中发现的药物、农药和重金属元素设立“容忍标准”——包括铜元素和砷元素在内,这些添加物可以促进牛只生长及杀灭某种寄生虫。

· 2008年,一船美国牛肉被墨西哥质监局拒绝入境,因为从中检验出超过墨西哥“容忍标准”的铜元素。这种食品在美国境内销售,却没有设定一个相关的容忍标准。

· 这份报告中列出了五种有害物质以及它们的潜在健康威胁,包括:

· 氟尼辛——可能导致便血、消化道糜烂溃疡和肾衰竭。

· 盘尼西林——可能引起致命的过敏反应,严重的神经损害和结肠炎,嘴唇、舌头和面部肿胀,出血和腹泻。

· 砷元素(砒霜)——可能导致良性的皮肤病,恶性皮肤肿瘤、体内恶性肿瘤,血管疾病和高血压。

· 铜元素——可能导致溶血症,黄疸,血脂病变,加速氧化衰老,肾功能障碍甚至死亡。

· 伊弗霉素——导致神经中毒(比如神经系统正常的活动发生病变,最终破坏或者杀死神经细胞及传导和处理大脑信号的关键性细胞)。

· 烹制肉类可以杀死病菌,但并不能消除残留物,甚至加热过程会使之分解“成为对人体更为有害的成分”。

· 超过90%的奶牛和肉用牛中被检测出残留物。奶牛肉通常最后被制成汉堡的夹馅,而肉用牛经常被喂食抗生素,以及那些经过传染病治疗的奶牛所产的无法销售的“坏牛奶”。

· 农业部食品安全检验处(FSIS)并未召回渗入有害残留物的牛肉,“即使他们已经获知这些肉类食品不能通过实验检验。”

· 肉类加工厂在销售含有非法级别药物的牛肉,可能导致“消费者肠胃、神经或皮肤的问题”,而FSIS并没有要求召回。

· FSIS解释说消费者“也许不会因为购买了某一种肉类而受到‘剧烈伤害’,”这让自愿召回都“难以为继”。

· 检测肉类中含有药物的方法“常常是过时且无效的,因为只有食品药监局核准了某种药物后,相关的检测方法才会被核准。”

· 采用新技术十分“困难”,而食品药监局“并不总是乐于或者有能力承担这项工作。”

· 个别工厂累积了总数为211项的违例,而且仍然认为没什么必要将残留物看做一个严重的问题。

· 肉类检测数据由兽体上的标签逐项收集,这是“一个迟缓笨重的系统,而且并不总是可靠的,”但是FSIS的官员未能认识到他们所采用的技术已经过时。







另一个建议是不再用鸡粪作为奶牛饲料,防止“疯牛病—— 一种通过食物传染而发生率较低的疾病,”审计报告中提到:





Drugs, Poisons and Metals in Our Meat — USDA Needs A Major Overhaul

David Kirby is author of Animal Factory – The Looming Threat of Industrial Pig, Dairy and Poultry Farms to Humans and the Environment – St. Martin’s Press.